Monday, July 9, 2012

That somewhere you are thinking of me...

So much is going on, I have a lot on my mind. SUMMER SCHOOL AND NOOO BREAK :(
 There's not much time for fun at all! boo!!!! Wheres my fun in summer?
   Oh well 2014 isn't that far away anyways.
 reminder to self.. all this work is for my last semester to have only 3 classes!

Oh my...

 My love for the arts

 So I'm really happy.
 I'd like to go out and have a little fun!\
 and lose a lot of weight.
 I didn't notice how much weight. I've gain well with having money. I spent it on the dumb things
 like food! Well I stopped I now spend it on make up and nails lol!
 which is always good, for a girl like me of course!

 Dancing I NEED to go dancing!
  my dance classs is over so I still have classes. but I really wanna dance!

I've spent the fourth of july with family. everything is good!

 Rose Nichole

Friday, June 29, 2012

Remembering your dreams...

These past few weeks, I've been off and on. I've felt so not myself.
 With school been so busy, I've been stressed. A little hurt A little blue
     But I'm doing alright, I'm excited about fall semster starting.
I love college, dance, theatre.

Selena Perez has reminded me what my dreams are. I may have been 2 years old, When she was murderd. I remember growing up hearing her music and even replaying the movie.
Loving every bit of it, wishing I could do what she's done in her life.
   Now that I've made the reconnection, because I've read her book that her husband Chris.
Has written about their life together.

"To Selena with love, Chris Perez"
My mom told me to read the book, I didn't want to because I knew the ending would be sad.
I read the book in three days, Cried at the end because I wish she was still here
Her TALENT IS REAL.   Now that I'll go on with my career and path I'll carry Selena with me
 She's my Idol  and Now I know I can't give up on myself.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A little summertime sadness

Everything just isn't the same. I have a hard time with weight.
 I know it's a problem what am I to do? I can confess to myself and everyone.
 I eat because food is my drug. I know it's bad but I can't control myself.

 When I hear things about me like
"more and more I'm starting to dislike you"

 from someone whom I look up too.

It's a wound in my heart. I can not help how I've been raised. I'm not perfect
   I know that I have to change. Change is so hard.
 Am I that bad? Am I really that bad..................

I'm looking forward to seeing my cousin tomorrow.
 Tricia and I might be spending time together yay!
 for now I'm a little blue,


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fire to the rain

So much has happen.  In college classes there's not much free time anymore.
 Now that many of my friends have went to the Nokia Theatre for class of 2012.
I wish I had stayed and finished out walk the stage. I may have given up my red cap and gown.
 Just to hurry and move onto college. I'll be class of 2014 at TCC.
 It's just one of those things, I'll regret I should've went to prom. But it's time to look ahead.

     I started summer school just so I can get my AA, And finish c/o 2014.
Than off to new york. Time goes by so slowly.  I remember  going into 9th how that was the best year out of my high school years. No Emmanuel No drama. Just friends with everyone.

                                                      MAY 11,2012
May is full of birthdays for my family, First It was My cousin Tricia's 15th birthday.
 My aunt planned a suprise birthday dinner for her, The most of the family came together for dinner.
Oh! that reminds me that was the day my aunt met Bettina!  Which was awesome becuse Betttina is planning to invite them to the wedding. Which I'm helping planning!!

MAY 28,2012

Grandma's birthday is may 28. But Family had diffirent plans so We had Grandma's birthday party a week earlyer. Which if you'd ask me if worked out. It was huge because We almost had the whole family together ay my grandparents house. It was wonderful <3

  "The Love of a family is life's greatest blessing"

 Now I've just been busy with school, thinking about the wedding, Wedding planning would be so much better if Bettina&Casey knew what they wanted at least. I've chosen a place.

OH! And Ballet and summer school have taken over my summer no vacation for me :(

   And I saw my cousin Lauren who's in the army. I also saw Samantha. I thought I'd be nice and try to say hello but I couldn't do it. I refuse to be hurt anymore so I kept my best friend by my side and didn't even act as if she was there.  As for Lauren I was happy to see her <3

As I'm coming to the end of my update My Grandma had eye surgery but shes been recovering fine. She's almost at two weeks since she had it done. At first it was a little hard but she's healed fine she looks great


Even if things aren't perfect I'm glad the dog days are done.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Maybe right now isn't excatly the right to blog ESP since I'm getting so angry. It's best for me to shut up. Well it's my mothers birthday p, her friends are pissing me off. I wish I stayed home but I was sick of being in the house and I was pnt even suppose to be here! I miss the beach I was suppose to go the island but no the damn rain hasme stuck here in this lame town. The past week has been pretty good until now. I'm dreading life right now I wanna go home and go to sleep. Also because so much trash is. Being talked about me. Well you don't me you don't wear my chains

Monday, April 23, 2012

The wedding invitation that'll never come....

So many people around me are getting married! First off Bettina and Samantha my cousins.
And than there is my old best friend Brianna. Will I get married?

Who knows....maybe...right now I'm not sure

The reason for my post today is to vent. I'm a little hurt, Suprised,Shocked ? Not at all.

I'm a little blue because Samantha, Well rumor is
"she's only inviting the people who have been there for her"
How on earth is that fair? I've tried to be her friend her family. Has she counted me as her family....
 No, all these years I've only gotten an "efff you" from her. I felt she wasn't going to invite me.

oh well right? not my lost.... All I can do is focus on my family who does want to be around me.

Bettina wants to be around me, I think.
I know I want to be around her. We've talked about it. I really hope she lets me help her plan her wedding it would mean so much to me.

XOXO Until later, I'll update later about the show right now I'm going to spend time with family
Rose Nichole

Growing up...

The new things that I've come across lately have been new to me and a little hard.

The show went great honestly, Everything got so much better towards the end.
 I made friends with just about everyone, Danced and acted crazy in the dressing room with the girls laughed it until it hurt.  The show was great people laughed a lot . So we all knew we had done our job. 

It's very bittersweet for the show to be over now. And so is the class almost one more class and than. We will go on our own ways. I'm happy I stayed, I'm glad

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tech weekend...

Well this weekend everyone is here at school for our play. Next weekend it's show time I can't believe it! This theater experince hasn't quite been the best I'm so used to being in the bigger roles. This role is a no body role. I feel as if I'm looked down at. In the other theaters did Ido this to the other actress or actors? they have the same love for theater as I. To be treated the way I've been treated and others who have unspoken roles. It sucks I having to rebuild my self in any theater. I've gotten so fed up I came close to saying. "whatever I'm done I'm a no body anyways" Some of the people here are harder to be friends with. I can't explain I thought maybe it was me, maybe there was something uninviting about me. Maybe because I'm a shy person at first. I brought Alexus with me yesterday and she agreed its not exactly me. Some others are uninviting I just dunno. I've decided to not make this a negative experince I'm going to hold my head high finish this show. And come back one more time if I get this same experince again I wont be coming back to this theater. More later I'm actually in rehearsal right now XOXO RoseNichole

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Is this how Marilyn Monroe felt?

I feel a little tired, I'm so happy today is finally here!
It's my baby brothers 5th birthday party

Has five years really come and gone?

It has I was 13 years old When he came into my life. As scared and happy I was for him.
 He's a blessing He's so smart and funny!
Today is a day to clebrate his life <3

Well as much as I'd love to stay and write There's so much to do!

I'll blog later



Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dancing and falling

I know my family means well. When I'm told to stay in Texas...... Truthfully that's not what I want for myself. Ive always wanted to be in new York city. It's always been in my heart to be in new York city . My mom said something to me today... "when do you think you'll get a big part." Her question knocked me out. I know that a major role takes a lot of hard work. To put yourself in the entertainment world. You work hard at it no matter what. The younger you are the better you'll be in the entanment world. I'm now 18 year old. I've wanted to be in the show business since I was I could remember anything. She's right! When will it happen? I need to return to work if I really want it. That means I need to really work on perfecting my craft. dancing,singing and of course my acting. This why lately I've been questioning what I want to do in life? No I don't want to work in an office or as a dentist or doctor or English teacher. I WANT TO BE A PERFORMER I WANT TO BE AMAZING! I've got my drive back I will return to work asap first I need to finish setting things back up and getting into shape and building a new profilo. Xoxo. Rose Nichole

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I love it! It's so different from high school, Its so much better you dont have to put up with kids who don't want to be there. In in high school most kids will complain how they hate school.
The kids in college are there because they want to be there unlike high school students.
I haven't had any problems what so ever. The staff and students are really great.

It's beyond funny because I'm one of the youngest an shortest in my class's.
It can be annoying sometimes because all the guys in my theater class point out I'm so short.
I know it's in a joking matter so I don't mind. Sometimes............haha

 " Rose, We're gonna have to put you on top of my shoulders or something to make sure people can see you"

I swear  I need knee implants!!


I thought it would be a corny musical, But after reading tht script It's so good!

I wasn't casted as Domina as I want because in theatre they test you out to see how you work so when your new Everything you do counts! how your on time or how you perform.
I like working with my new theatre group it's a lot of fun so I'm casted just not the part I wanted.

On another note

Life is good

complicated at times  but It's life all we can do is work on it right?

I'm doing great!

I recently bounded with my aunt Patsy! Which was great I spent much needed time with her!
We talked about everything & I feel like She knows me better and understands me. Just like I feel like I understand her more as well. I love my aunt and I enjoyed staying with her and painting!
We painted The little mermaid! She helped me so much with the painting. She has wondeful talent.

My Little Brither Chris is Turning Five years old! I can't believe how fast five years has pasted.
I love him so much! He's so a wondeful joy net he can be a pain somtimes.... lol

Well I'm off to do much needed things around the house. I'll update later!

Rose Nichole

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Alexus Marie Trevino

I've decided to write about someone who I hold very dear to my heart.
Alexus and me have been best friends since we were little girls. 
I'm so thankful for a friendship that turned into family. 
We've had stupid fights but mostly We have endless dorky memorys.
We laugh We cry We tell eachother the truth no matter how much we dont like it.
I really can picture my life without her or her family.

I think everyone needs a best friend who will be there for you and understand you.
Someone whos been through some of the hardest moments in life.

A Friend whos not just a Friend

A best friend whos a sister, thats a keeper .

Even after all the drama and all the crazy stupid fights
We have our laughs and crazy memories.

i love my best friend

My sister
 my shoulder to cry on
My best friend til the end ...

Thank you Alexus for being here since we were little girls and still being here until the end of time

lets start over...

Maybe , The last few weeks I wasn't feeling like my self.

I was super negative, and thats not me.... lately I've been working on projects to keep my head up and busy.
My mother is right, "Your words have more power"
I have top always look on the bright side of life.... in the whole 18 years I've been alive...
my life has been this huge crazy wonderful ride. I've never in a million years regreted who I am or whats happen to me.
A lot of bad has happen but also a lot of good.

I'm not perfect never happen been but i'm okay with that, my flaws can be fixed.

I'm doing just fine, I'm happy I'm me

but besides that My first college class starts next week!!
I'm excited I've set some goals and i hope i get them done

Rose Nichole

New York I'm coming!!

Today was another SuperBowl sunday! It was fantastic if you ask me!
We went to my moms freinds house nat's, I enjoyed myself I was rooting for the Giants of course!
They won!!! Last year I rooted for the packers. I was going for the giants because I'm a new yorker. If they lost or won I was going to be proud of my Giants! They didnt fail..great game I must say I was on the edge of my seat hoping The Giants would make ONE more touch down, Because we had 36 seconds on the clock and they came through! I was beyoud proud!!!

AS For Madonna was amazed She's a legend! and bringing Nicki I Loved it!unlike the Black eye peas performence was BAD........
Except Slash was amazing but Fergie singing sweet child o'mine...NOOOO...sit back down

I'm no longer in high school and friends have asked me to go to prom with them but i dont know.
I've always wanted to go to prom, Don't get me wrong last year, I was going to go but Emmanuel and I were fighting at the moment, Plus my little brothers fourth birthday was the same day as prom. I picked my brother over prom duh! I dont regret my choice because the night was pretty great my friends came over and when night hit. We danced and jumped by ourself's in the jump house. It was Elena,Alexus,Chris and Katy. It was a really fun night. I'd loved to go to prom bur its so expensive. This WHOLE year has been so expensive from my birthday to college add in my adoptation. Plus getting a new car, I'm so lucky to have my grandparents because they've been the only ones helping me with everything. School will be starting soon and I'm excited also because I'm going back to Theatre. I cant wait to meet everyone.

Rose Nichole

Friday, February 3, 2012

Beautiful Disaster

My life can be complicated at times, Sometimes I can just dislike everything. Sometimes I can feel so alone. My mom and I are doing fine lately, I'm trying to inprove all my relationships. The very last thing I want is for everything to fall apart. I have a great relationship with my adopted parents and plan to keep it this way! I have some pretty great friends also. Alexus,Elena,Brianna,Lala.Elbin, Frankie and of course Irving etc.  I'm pretty content right now.
I kinda miss my grandma and grandpa, I enjoy sharing their laughter. The past two days I've been thinking about relationships..... No No not for me, I'm not interested in any guy.
Someday after college! I'll date maybe......MAYBE not even than maybe when I'm 25&have a career going steady. My perfect guy would be a lot like the character Jake Adams from whats your number?. He'd be manly Brave,Trustworhy,Charming,Caring,Down to earth. And would love to travel and go out to do things. Or  like Ryan Gosling Tall, Beautiful smile, Sweet......haha
Jake adams

I see my grandparents together my adpoted parents. I see thier realtionship and how they've gone through so much together. They have been married for 45 years or longer? I've lost track.......
My grandmother such a strong beautiful woman and smart! My Grandfather may have not been perfect he'll even admit to his faults and the wrong he's done. If you ask me he's quite wonderful.
He's very smart and down to earth sometimes quite funny. I've watched my grandparents while they didnt know. I'm amazed by thier relationship.They are meant to be togther they are eachothers soul mates.  You can see it by just looking at them. They laugh&joke around. Somtimes they dont agree but every disgreement its ended with a laugh & a kiss.
I know LOVE doesnt have to perfect, It just has to be real......

Well Tonight I'm pretty happy! I've spent the past two days with my little Brother Chis..Soon We are going to make valentines for his pre-k 4 classmates. I'm excited he's so happy and full of crazy energy 24/7. He's a little blessing! Today he asked me for a dollar for school. He told me he wanted to order a book, He's a nerd like me already lol. When we picked him up from school. His teacher told me he told her he brought a dollar for the book, That the class had read the day before. So she gave him her copy of the book for a dollar. I thought it was really sweet of him and funny.

 my mom She's beautiful and strong

 another reason I'm so happy, Brianna and I talked and We're going to be great. I've missed her but in high school everyone knew we were always together. Alexus went to another high school but no matter what shes my sister first hand. She's family and so is Bri.




XOXO Until later
Rose Nichole Morin

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hello College Gooodbye Childhood

I know my family means well. When I'm told to stay in Texas...... Truthfully that's not what I want for myself. Ive always wanted to be in new York city. It's always been in my heart to be in new York city . My mom said something to me today... "when do you think you'll get a big part." Her question knocked me out. I know that a major role takes a lot of hard work. To put yourself in the entertainment world. You work hard at it no matter what. The younger you are the better you'll be in the entanment world. I'm now 18 year old. I've wanted to be in the show business since I was I could remember anything. She's right! When will it happen? I need to return to work if I really want it. That means I need to really work on perfecting my craft. dancing,singing and of course my acting. This why lately I've been questioning what I want to do in life? No I don't want to work in an office or as a dentist or doctor or English teacher. I WANT TO BE A PERFORMER I WANT TO BE AMAZING! I've got my drive back I will return to work asap first I need to finish setting things back up and getting into shape and building a new profilo. Xoxo. Rose Nichole