Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hello College Gooodbye Childhood

I know my family means well. When I'm told to stay in Texas...... Truthfully that's not what I want for myself. Ive always wanted to be in new York city. It's always been in my heart to be in new York city . My mom said something to me today... "when do you think you'll get a big part." Her question knocked me out. I know that a major role takes a lot of hard work. To put yourself in the entertainment world. You work hard at it no matter what. The younger you are the better you'll be in the entanment world. I'm now 18 year old. I've wanted to be in the show business since I was I could remember anything. She's right! When will it happen? I need to return to work if I really want it. That means I need to really work on perfecting my craft. dancing,singing and of course my acting. This why lately I've been questioning what I want to do in life? No I don't want to work in an office or as a dentist or doctor or English teacher. I WANT TO BE A PERFORMER I WANT TO BE AMAZING! I've got my drive back I will return to work asap first I need to finish setting things back up and getting into shape and building a new profilo. Xoxo. Rose Nichole

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