Thursday, February 9, 2012

New York I'm coming!!

Today was another SuperBowl sunday! It was fantastic if you ask me!
We went to my moms freinds house nat's, I enjoyed myself I was rooting for the Giants of course!
They won!!! Last year I rooted for the packers. I was going for the giants because I'm a new yorker. If they lost or won I was going to be proud of my Giants! They didnt fail..great game I must say I was on the edge of my seat hoping The Giants would make ONE more touch down, Because we had 36 seconds on the clock and they came through! I was beyoud proud!!!

AS For Madonna was amazed She's a legend! and bringing Nicki I Loved it!unlike the Black eye peas performence was BAD........
Except Slash was amazing but Fergie singing sweet child o'mine...NOOOO...sit back down

I'm no longer in high school and friends have asked me to go to prom with them but i dont know.
I've always wanted to go to prom, Don't get me wrong last year, I was going to go but Emmanuel and I were fighting at the moment, Plus my little brothers fourth birthday was the same day as prom. I picked my brother over prom duh! I dont regret my choice because the night was pretty great my friends came over and when night hit. We danced and jumped by ourself's in the jump house. It was Elena,Alexus,Chris and Katy. It was a really fun night. I'd loved to go to prom bur its so expensive. This WHOLE year has been so expensive from my birthday to college add in my adoptation. Plus getting a new car, I'm so lucky to have my grandparents because they've been the only ones helping me with everything. School will be starting soon and I'm excited also because I'm going back to Theatre. I cant wait to meet everyone.

Rose Nichole

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