Thursday, February 9, 2012

Alexus Marie Trevino

I've decided to write about someone who I hold very dear to my heart.
Alexus and me have been best friends since we were little girls. 
I'm so thankful for a friendship that turned into family. 
We've had stupid fights but mostly We have endless dorky memorys.
We laugh We cry We tell eachother the truth no matter how much we dont like it.
I really can picture my life without her or her family.

I think everyone needs a best friend who will be there for you and understand you.
Someone whos been through some of the hardest moments in life.

A Friend whos not just a Friend

A best friend whos a sister, thats a keeper .

Even after all the drama and all the crazy stupid fights
We have our laughs and crazy memories.

i love my best friend

My sister
 my shoulder to cry on
My best friend til the end ...

Thank you Alexus for being here since we were little girls and still being here until the end of time

lets start over...

Maybe , The last few weeks I wasn't feeling like my self.

I was super negative, and thats not me.... lately I've been working on projects to keep my head up and busy.
My mother is right, "Your words have more power"
I have top always look on the bright side of life.... in the whole 18 years I've been alive...
my life has been this huge crazy wonderful ride. I've never in a million years regreted who I am or whats happen to me.
A lot of bad has happen but also a lot of good.

I'm not perfect never happen been but i'm okay with that, my flaws can be fixed.

I'm doing just fine, I'm happy I'm me

but besides that My first college class starts next week!!
I'm excited I've set some goals and i hope i get them done

Rose Nichole

New York I'm coming!!

Today was another SuperBowl sunday! It was fantastic if you ask me!
We went to my moms freinds house nat's, I enjoyed myself I was rooting for the Giants of course!
They won!!! Last year I rooted for the packers. I was going for the giants because I'm a new yorker. If they lost or won I was going to be proud of my Giants! They didnt fail..great game I must say I was on the edge of my seat hoping The Giants would make ONE more touch down, Because we had 36 seconds on the clock and they came through! I was beyoud proud!!!

AS For Madonna was amazed She's a legend! and bringing Nicki I Loved it!unlike the Black eye peas performence was BAD........
Except Slash was amazing but Fergie singing sweet child o'mine...NOOOO...sit back down

I'm no longer in high school and friends have asked me to go to prom with them but i dont know.
I've always wanted to go to prom, Don't get me wrong last year, I was going to go but Emmanuel and I were fighting at the moment, Plus my little brothers fourth birthday was the same day as prom. I picked my brother over prom duh! I dont regret my choice because the night was pretty great my friends came over and when night hit. We danced and jumped by ourself's in the jump house. It was Elena,Alexus,Chris and Katy. It was a really fun night. I'd loved to go to prom bur its so expensive. This WHOLE year has been so expensive from my birthday to college add in my adoptation. Plus getting a new car, I'm so lucky to have my grandparents because they've been the only ones helping me with everything. School will be starting soon and I'm excited also because I'm going back to Theatre. I cant wait to meet everyone.

Rose Nichole

Friday, February 3, 2012

Beautiful Disaster

My life can be complicated at times, Sometimes I can just dislike everything. Sometimes I can feel so alone. My mom and I are doing fine lately, I'm trying to inprove all my relationships. The very last thing I want is for everything to fall apart. I have a great relationship with my adopted parents and plan to keep it this way! I have some pretty great friends also. Alexus,Elena,Brianna,Lala.Elbin, Frankie and of course Irving etc.  I'm pretty content right now.
I kinda miss my grandma and grandpa, I enjoy sharing their laughter. The past two days I've been thinking about relationships..... No No not for me, I'm not interested in any guy.
Someday after college! I'll date maybe......MAYBE not even than maybe when I'm 25&have a career going steady. My perfect guy would be a lot like the character Jake Adams from whats your number?. He'd be manly Brave,Trustworhy,Charming,Caring,Down to earth. And would love to travel and go out to do things. Or  like Ryan Gosling Tall, Beautiful smile, Sweet......haha
Jake adams

I see my grandparents together my adpoted parents. I see thier realtionship and how they've gone through so much together. They have been married for 45 years or longer? I've lost track.......
My grandmother such a strong beautiful woman and smart! My Grandfather may have not been perfect he'll even admit to his faults and the wrong he's done. If you ask me he's quite wonderful.
He's very smart and down to earth sometimes quite funny. I've watched my grandparents while they didnt know. I'm amazed by thier relationship.They are meant to be togther they are eachothers soul mates.  You can see it by just looking at them. They laugh&joke around. Somtimes they dont agree but every disgreement its ended with a laugh & a kiss.
I know LOVE doesnt have to perfect, It just has to be real......

Well Tonight I'm pretty happy! I've spent the past two days with my little Brother Chis..Soon We are going to make valentines for his pre-k 4 classmates. I'm excited he's so happy and full of crazy energy 24/7. He's a little blessing! Today he asked me for a dollar for school. He told me he wanted to order a book, He's a nerd like me already lol. When we picked him up from school. His teacher told me he told her he brought a dollar for the book, That the class had read the day before. So she gave him her copy of the book for a dollar. I thought it was really sweet of him and funny.

 my mom She's beautiful and strong

 another reason I'm so happy, Brianna and I talked and We're going to be great. I've missed her but in high school everyone knew we were always together. Alexus went to another high school but no matter what shes my sister first hand. She's family and so is Bri.




XOXO Until later
Rose Nichole Morin