Monday, April 23, 2012

The wedding invitation that'll never come....

So many people around me are getting married! First off Bettina and Samantha my cousins.
And than there is my old best friend Brianna. Will I get married?

Who knows....maybe...right now I'm not sure

The reason for my post today is to vent. I'm a little hurt, Suprised,Shocked ? Not at all.

I'm a little blue because Samantha, Well rumor is
"she's only inviting the people who have been there for her"
How on earth is that fair? I've tried to be her friend her family. Has she counted me as her family....
 No, all these years I've only gotten an "efff you" from her. I felt she wasn't going to invite me.

oh well right? not my lost.... All I can do is focus on my family who does want to be around me.

Bettina wants to be around me, I think.
I know I want to be around her. We've talked about it. I really hope she lets me help her plan her wedding it would mean so much to me.

XOXO Until later, I'll update later about the show right now I'm going to spend time with family
Rose Nichole

Growing up...

The new things that I've come across lately have been new to me and a little hard.

The show went great honestly, Everything got so much better towards the end.
 I made friends with just about everyone, Danced and acted crazy in the dressing room with the girls laughed it until it hurt.  The show was great people laughed a lot . So we all knew we had done our job. 

It's very bittersweet for the show to be over now. And so is the class almost one more class and than. We will go on our own ways. I'm happy I stayed, I'm glad

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tech weekend...

Well this weekend everyone is here at school for our play. Next weekend it's show time I can't believe it! This theater experince hasn't quite been the best I'm so used to being in the bigger roles. This role is a no body role. I feel as if I'm looked down at. In the other theaters did Ido this to the other actress or actors? they have the same love for theater as I. To be treated the way I've been treated and others who have unspoken roles. It sucks I having to rebuild my self in any theater. I've gotten so fed up I came close to saying. "whatever I'm done I'm a no body anyways" Some of the people here are harder to be friends with. I can't explain I thought maybe it was me, maybe there was something uninviting about me. Maybe because I'm a shy person at first. I brought Alexus with me yesterday and she agreed its not exactly me. Some others are uninviting I just dunno. I've decided to not make this a negative experince I'm going to hold my head high finish this show. And come back one more time if I get this same experince again I wont be coming back to this theater. More later I'm actually in rehearsal right now XOXO RoseNichole

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Is this how Marilyn Monroe felt?

I feel a little tired, I'm so happy today is finally here!
It's my baby brothers 5th birthday party

Has five years really come and gone?

It has I was 13 years old When he came into my life. As scared and happy I was for him.
 He's a blessing He's so smart and funny!
Today is a day to clebrate his life <3

Well as much as I'd love to stay and write There's so much to do!

I'll blog later



Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dancing and falling

I know my family means well. When I'm told to stay in Texas...... Truthfully that's not what I want for myself. Ive always wanted to be in new York city. It's always been in my heart to be in new York city . My mom said something to me today... "when do you think you'll get a big part." Her question knocked me out. I know that a major role takes a lot of hard work. To put yourself in the entertainment world. You work hard at it no matter what. The younger you are the better you'll be in the entanment world. I'm now 18 year old. I've wanted to be in the show business since I was I could remember anything. She's right! When will it happen? I need to return to work if I really want it. That means I need to really work on perfecting my craft. dancing,singing and of course my acting. This why lately I've been questioning what I want to do in life? No I don't want to work in an office or as a dentist or doctor or English teacher. I WANT TO BE A PERFORMER I WANT TO BE AMAZING! I've got my drive back I will return to work asap first I need to finish setting things back up and getting into shape and building a new profilo. Xoxo. Rose Nichole